Our purpose
Our company is based on the belief that our customers' needs are of the utmost importance. Our entire team is committed to meeting those needs. As a result, a high percentage of our business is from repeat customers and referrals.
We would welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver you the best products and services in the industry.
Our dedication to work is our motto.
Notre société se fonde sur la conviction que les besoins de nos clients sont de la plus haute importance.
Toute notre équipe s'engage à répondre à ces besoins.
En conséquence, un pourcentage élevé de notre activités vient de clients réguliers et de recommandations.
Nous aimerions avoir l'occasion de gagner votre confiance et vous offrir les meilleurs produits et services dans l'industrie de la protection électronique (incendie et sécurité).

Our experiences and specialties
Our Company has been active for over two decades
we have worked with multiple customers and product suppliers which gave us a vast knowledge of the field and security requirements.
Our work have been approved by the biggest Oil and Gaz company in Algeria SONATRACH as well as every other client we dealt with over the past decades.
We mainly provide and equip fire detection and suppression systems; However. Our work extends to much further where we also install CCTV, PAGA and Anti Intrusion systems.
We do not only focus on efficiency but also esthetitcs; Hence. Your place can still look beautiful while being safe.
How to reach us
In Algeria:
Mobiles: +213 555 05 10 75 - 76 - 77 - 78 - 79 - 80
Fax: +213 31 61 64 17
In the United Kingdom:
Nansen Court 1, Brockway Close
London. E11 4TQ. UK